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Nationwide Strike Alert India

The Situation:

Several national trade unions plan to hold a nationwide strike from 28-29 March. Commercial and transport disruptions are likely. Financial sector services, including banking, are expected to be disrupted; industrial sectors, including coal and steel, will also likely be affected. Power sector workers will also join the strike. Public transport services will also probably be disrupted, as transport workers have announced support for the strike. Regional and inter-city ground transport disruptions are probable, especially along routes linking urban and rural areas. Airport operation and flight disruptions are unlikely during the strike. Shortages in available transport may prompt increased demand for ongoing transport services.

Possible Effects:

• Workers will likely hold demonstrations during the strike. o The largest gatherings are likely in major cities and towns, notably district and state capitals and the national capital, Delhi.

  • Popular locations include government buildings, public squares, and on major roadways, causing localized transport disruptions.

  • Protesters may also block rail lines in some areas.

• Heightened security particularly at demonstration sites.

• Localized curfews and telecommunication restrictions if violence breaks out.

• Unavailable services, including transportation, electricity, in some cases, and banking services

Mitigating Measures to Apply:

• Avoid all protests and large crowds, which have the possibility of turning violent and may serve as a catalyst for COVID-19 spread

• Prepare for disruptions caused by protests, such as increased traffic and security, blocked roads, and potential travel into demonstration sites (i.e. airports and near government buildings)

• Allow extra time to travel to/from the airport, supplier, and accommodations

• Check the local situation (local and social media, embassy, POC at the destination, etc.) prior to travel

• Confirm your flight status and other means of transportation prior to departing

• Monitor local and social media for updates

• Confirm the supplier is open and operating before your arrival

• Carry extra cash in the event of unavailable banking services

• Enroll in a Safe Traveler program to receive warnings from your preferred embassy

DISCLAIMER and Hold Harmless Disclaimer: LSDS™ gathers information from multiple sources and offers insight and perspective to travelers. Sources cannot be validated for accuracy in every instance. Travelers assume all risk associated with their travel and are responsible for the decisions associated with travel and for their own safety. Users of this reference document agree, to hold harmless LSDS™ (LLC) its employees and clients associated with any risk or injury incurred during travel.


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