Updated on 8 September 2019
The Situation:
As of 23 August 2019, there were over one hundred confirmed cases of listeriosis in Spain,
largely in the Sevilla area. As of August 23, regional health officials in Andalusia and the
Spanish Ministry of Health have identified the suspected source as pork products produced
by Magrudis company under the label “La Mecha” and other brands.
As of 7 September, the Ministry of Health and Families confirms that there are 210 cases
detected to date. Seville accounts for 173 cases - 82% of the total.
Listeriosis is a bacterial infection caused by the consumption of contaminated foods.
Outbreaks such as these are rare in Spain. Food control is generally excellent in the
country and this incident should not cause general alarm.
Symptoms of Listeriosis:
According to the CDC, people with invasive listeriosis usually report symptoms starting 1 to
4 weeks after eating food contaminated with Listeria. Pregnant women, older adults or
those with weakened immune systems are at greatest risk. Symptoms include:
Flu-like symptoms including chills, fever and muscles aches
Diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms
Loss of balance and malaise
Mitigating Factors to Apply:
Monitor local media for updates
Avoid eating at questionable establishments
Avoid La Mecha and other related food brands
Immediately contact a medical professional if you believe you are infected.
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