12 things you should look for to identify a taxi scam
You may not always be able to avoid a scam, but it's important to know what kind of travel scams exist. Whether you're traveling to a big city in the states or abroad this summer, here are twelve things you should look for to identify a taxi scam.
Different color scheme from the dominant registered licensed taxis you see driving about
No taxi license in the vehicle
Cash only
No presence of an actual meter
Taxi driver approaches you and encourages you to use their vehicle versus waiting in a queue
Physical characteristics (really a judgment call) on whether they look like an official taxi driver
Several occupants in the vehicle
Displayed photo identification does not match driver's facial features
Removable or flimsy taxi sign on roof
Substandard working condition
Invalid or non-existent license plates
Non-existent dispatch system
Helpful Tip:
Review the State Department Travel and Transportation Recommendations for your country of travel.
Research Approved or Recommended Taxis for your country of travel.
Here are a few examples: