The Situation:
Consumers in Spain are protesting against utilities as households now pay around double the price for electricity compared to what they paid at this time last year.
Activists affiliated with the Communist Party Workers of Spain (PCTE) and likely other groups planned demonstrations throughout the country on 14 September against rising electricity costs. The following locations have been announced:
Madrid: 18:00 Plaza de Las Cortes
Barcelona: 19:00 Calle Mallorca
Bilbao: 18:00 Plaza Moyua
Cordoba: 19:30 Plaza Constitucion
Donostia: 18:00 Plaza Pio XII
Leon: 12:00 Plaza La Inmaculada
Malaga: 12:00 Paseo de Sancha
Salamanca: 12:00 Plaza Constitucion
Santander: 19:30 Calle de Calvo Sotelo
Seville: 11L00 Plaza Espana
Valladolid: 12:00 Calle de Francesco Scrimieri
Possible Effects:
Protests or demonstrations, especially near government buildings
Traffic delays and blocked roads due to demonstrations
Increased security presence near demonstration sites
Mitigating Factors to Apply:
Prepare for disruptions caused by protests, such as increased traffic/security, blocked roads, and potential travel into demonstration sites
Check the local situation (local and social media, embassy, POC at the destination, etc.) prior to travel
Avoid all protests and demonstration, which have the possibility of turning violent and may serve as a catalyst for Covid-19 spread
Allow extra time to travel to/from the destination, airport, train station, and accommodations
Monitor local and social media for updates
Enroll in a Safe Traveler program to receive warnings from your preferred embassy
DISCLAIMER and Hold Harmless Disclaimer: LSDS™ gathers information from multiple sources and offers insight and perspective to travelers. Sources cannot be validated for accuracy in every instance. Travelers assume all risk associated with their travel and are responsible for the decisions associated with travel and for their own safety. Users of this reference document agree, to hold harmless LSDS™ (LLC) its employees and clients associated with any risk or injury incurred during travel.