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Dynamic Leadership Discussions: Retros & AARs

Dynamic Leadership Discussions

Hosts: Stacy Mandock

Stacy provides support to the LSDS Risk Mitigation team as a program lead for collegiate travel and assists in doing the initial research for travel destinations and identifying potential concerns and/or risks before and during travel. Stacy is also the team lead for Research & Development and the LSDS Decision Line Egress Bags. Working with clients to make sure that they - and all their household - are ready to go at a moment's notice.

Guest: Sean Balas, Riot Games

Sean Balas has been a sound designer, mixer, and composer for television, film, and games for his whole career. At Riot Games, he built and continues to run the audio team for Riot's global marketing efforts. His team designs soundtracks to cinematics, trailers, documentaries, audio dramas, Spotify ads, and podcasts that receive millions of views from fans across the world. Somewhere in the fun, messy world of creativity Sean found a passion for human performance, operational excellence, growing capable teams, and capable people.

Guest: Terry Peters

Terry is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Leader Solutions Decisions Support (LSDS) which provides executive coaching to leaders of all levels and empowers and supports individuals and organizations with the skills and knowledge to achieve their professional vision. Terry has led leadership development forums with Amazon’s North American Customer Fulfillment, Global Engineering Services (GES), and has built a resident leadership academy for Riot Games. He is a 27-year Army Veteran and has numerous decorations and foreign awards for his service to the Nation.

On this topic: Retros are an opportunity to build a stronger company and culture. It’s a safe space for reviewing successes, identifying opportunities for process improvement, and solving issues that may have come up.

In this podcast you will learn more about:

  • Retros - Why are they important to your company?

  • Challenges of retros- why is it so hard to do?

  • Identifying key parts of retros such as timing and recognizing bystander effects.

  • Problem-solving in retros.

  • Best practices.

Key takeaways:

  • Retro/Post-Mortem/AAR are chances to learn from lived experience and adapt.

  • Take complete ownership of things that went poorly even if support depended on external parties.

  • Retros are a time to put egos aside and recognize that we all are human. Getting called out is part of any organization, but excellence can be seen in those organizations where people getting called out take it as a challenge to be better.

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