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Risk Mitigation Discussions: Cyber Series Part 2: Security Awareness, Password Management and Browser Use

Host: Stacy Mandock 

Stacy Mandock provides support to the Risk Mitigation team as the program director. With the purpose of providing the safest possible experience for travelers both foreign and domestic, Stacy assists in doing the initial research for travel destinations and identifying potential concerns and/or risks before and during travel. Her specialty is working with collegiate travelers and ensuring that they’re thoroughly prepared before travel as well as tracking potential risks or threats throughout their trips.


Guest: Cliff Wilson

Cliff Wilson is Customer Success Account Manager and cybersecurity enthusiast at Microsoft and cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert with Army Special Operations. Over the past 10 years, Cliff's experience as an IT and cybersecurity expert has allowed him to hold positions with Microsoft and 5th Special Forces Group as a security expert. Cliff was one of the first people in the Special Operations community to utilize Cyber authorities for cyber related missions within the Army. Cliff spends the majority of his time supporting federal groups at Microsoft, but his passion for security motivates and drives him to helping customers and others be successful.


On this topic: Part 2 of our cyber series dives into security awareness, password management and best practices for browser use. Cliff’s got all the recommendations for settings to check, tools to help you keep track of all those passwords and some key differences between browsers and how to tweak them into the safest for you and your data.

 In this podcast you will learn more about: 

  • Password Manager options and purpose

  • Multifactor Authentication apps

  • Browser settings and add-ons

  • Search engine options and privacy settings to check

Key takeaways:

  • Edit/Correction: Private browser windows are not containerized. At least for Firefox, all private browsers share the same shared memory, they will NOT be containerized.

  • Links below to recommendations and mentions in this podcast.



Password Manager

Multifactor Authentication apps


Search Engines:

Browser Extensions:



PHONE: (910) 725-2447

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