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Civil Unrest Alert- Istanbul

Updated on 7 May 2019

The Situation:

On 6 May, Turkey's Supreme Electoral Council (YSK) annulled the results of Istanbul's 31 March mayoral elections, announcing a vote-recount set for 23 June. Hundreds of people have since gathered in multiple locations within Istanbul for anti-government demonstrations to protest the courts decision, with several more demonstrations expected to occur leading up to the recount.

In the last 24 hours, gatherings have reportedly taken place in parts of Beşiktaş, Kadıköy, and Şişli districts of Istanbul.

Further demonstrations are expected to occur in other locations with little notice.

The map below depicts the supplier (blue balloon), the new Istanbul Airport, the accommodations (purple bed), and the protest sites (yellow runners). The supplier is approximately 54.2 miles from the airport via highway O-6 (Recommended route).

Possible Effects:

  • Blocked roads due to protests/marches or parallel strikes

  • Increased traffic, especially near city centers and government buildings

  • Protests and demonstrations

  • Police crowd dispersal response (historically with water cannons and teargas)

Mitigating Factors to Apply:

  • Avoid all protests and large crowds, which have the possibility of turning violent

  • Allow extra time to travel to/from the airport, supplier, and accommodations

  • Refrain from discussing domestic political affairs in public or on social media

  • Follow directions of local authorities

  • Monitor local and social media for updates

  • Enroll in the Safe Traveler program (STEP) to receive warnings from the U.S. Embassy

DISCLAIMER and Hold Harmless

Disclaimer: LSDS gathers information from multiple sources and offers insight and perspective to travelers. Sources cannot be validated for accuracy in every instance. Travelers assume all risk associated with their travel and are responsible for the decisions associated with travel and for their own safety. Users of this reference document agree, to hold harmless LSDS (LLC) its employees and clients associated with any risk or injury incurred during travel.


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