The COVID-19 Outbreak has resulted in numerous requests for best practices and preventive measures to enact when traveling. Personal hygiene and remaining informed and situationally aware cannot be stressed enough. We have listed mitigation measures to apply and while there may be more, we encourage you to equip yourself with updated information as a first step for any travel. Continue reading below, or download printable file.
Mitigating Measures to Apply:
Avoid travel if feeling unwell
Avoid unnecessary travel to areas with diseases, conflict and other hazards.
Speak with your healthcare provider about preventative measures
What vaccinations may be necessary
Preventing tick, mosquito or other insect bites
Seek medical attention for flu/cold like symptoms
Avoid contact with those displaying signs of illness
Avoid touching your face, nose, mouth, and eyes
Wash hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer frequently
Turn head away from others and sneeze/cough into the crook of your elbow
Avoid shaking hands, if you do shake hands and contact others, wash hands as soon after as practical and use hand sanitizer as an interim measure
Avoid skin contact by wearing long sleeves/pants
Prior to/During Travel:
Speak with your healthcare provider about any viruses, bacterial infection or parasites that may be in food and water at your destination
Rest well, especially if you have a long flight
Wash hands well, before and after flights and after using public transportation, taxis, and rideshare services
Chose window seats to minimize exposure
Avoid allowing others to touch personal items
Avoid eating in food courts when possible
Avoid touching luggage other than your own
Avoid handling common reading materials
Avoid setting mobile devices on any shared surface
Use personal headphones/blanket/pillow
Carry/use travel-sized sanitizer
Carry travel size disinfectant wipes:
Wipe down whole seat/headrest, armrest, tray table, safety buckle, air vent controls
Wipe bathroom area
Wipe suitcase handles
Wipe mobile devices
Use clean napkin or tissue to open/close doors
Avoid touching railings/handles
Stay hydrated, especially during and after long flights
During Your Stay:
Keep personal belongings in your suitcase during your hotel stay
Disinfect your hotel room:
surfaces before placing items on them
remotes/phone/light switch/handles/faucets
keep toothbrush and hygiene products off counter
wash hotel cups before use
Disinfectant rental cars:
seats, headrest, steering wheels, safety buckle, handles, operation devices, keys, etc.
Avoid standing in lines and crowded areas and maintain distance, when possible
Clean hands after exchanging cash/credit cards
Do not share food/beverage
Choose food establishments carefully to prevent traveler’s diarrhea and avoid eating from buffets
For further information on preventative care: