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Hong Kong Unrest Update

Updated 12 November 2019


Hong Kong moves into its 23rd consecutive week of protests following one of the most

violent weekends to date. Over 280 protesters were arrested on Monday alone, one

protester was shot with a live round early Monday morning (as of Tuesday he was no

longer in critical condition according to hospital authorities) and a counter-protester was

set on fire after arguing with pro-democracy protesters (he is still in critical condition).

Trends show protests and subsequent government responses becoming more violent each


Over 60 people were injured over the weekend and several universities were closed or

canceled in Monday with 11 in that status on Tuesday as more protests and clashes

between police and protesters erupted across Hong Kong.

According to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, media reports indicate a number of

protests are due to take place throughout Hong Kong the week of 11 November. There is a

scheduled prayer meeting in Edinburgh Place from 0700-2100 on Wednesday, 13

November 2019.Protests at other times and locations may also occur. Any protests that

take place without a permit are considered illegal.

What to Expect:

  • Protests and demonstrations which are often unplanned and can turn violent

  • Increase in security personnel

  • Blocked roads

  • Increased road congestion

  • Disruptions in transportation services

Mitigating Factors to Apply:

  • Avoid all protests, demonstrations, and large crowds, which have the possibility of turning violent

  • Avoid discussing political topics in public or on social media

  • Exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of large gatherings or protests.

  • Follow the advise of the authorities in the area

  • Make travel changes as you see fit

  • Confirm flight status before departure to the airport

  • Enroll in a safe traveler program to receive warnings from your preferred embassy

DISCLAIMER and Hold Harmless

Disclaimer: LSDS gathers information from multiple sources and offers insight and perspective to travelers. Sources cannot be validated for accuracy in every instance. Travelers assume all risk associated with their travel and are responsible for the decisions associated with travel and for their own safety. Users of this reference document agree, to hold harmless LSDS (LLC) its employees and clients associated with any risk or injury incurred during travel.


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