Updated on 30 April 2019
The Situation:
Historically, May Day or International Labor Day, is accompanied by mass rallies and protests to both celebrate and show disdain for current labor practices. Demonstrations, rallies and marches are common in EU countries on this day.
Of note, are planned yellow vest protests in many cities across France which have been known to lead to clashes with protestors and authorities.
May Day is on 1 May every year.
What to Expect:
Possible protests or demonstrations
Blocked roads
Traffic delays throughout city centers and near major government buildings
Increased police presence
Mitigating Factors to Apply:
Avoid all protests and demonstration, which have the possibility of turning violent
Allow extra time to travel to/from the airport, supplier, and accommodations
Avoid travel through the city center if possible, instead using bypasses
Monitor local and social media for updates
Enroll in the Safe Traveler program (STEP) to receive warnings from the U.S. Embassy
Read more about the International Labor Day Protests in Europe.
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