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Myanmar (Burma) Health Alert

3 July 2019


Death toll from A/H1N1 seasonal influenza has risen to 21 as of 1 July, from press release by

the country’s information ministry. 

  • 18 deaths reported from Yangon region

  • 2 in Sagaing region

  • 1 in Ayeyawady region

  • Most of those who have died were young children & elderly who suffered from chronic illnesses, according to the public health ministry

The symptoms of H1N1 include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headaches, chills as well as vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms come within one to five days (incubation period) after exposure to the infected person as the virus is spread through airborne droplets from sneezing and coughing or by hands which are contaminated with secretions.

Prevention and control of H1N1 virus to reduce the risk of fatality from the virus is being

carried out by the health authorities, urging people to follow recommended precautionary


Mitigating Factors to Apply:

  • The CDC recommends getting the annual flu vaccine

  • Wash hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-base hand sanitizer

  • Avoid contact with those who may be sick

  • Avoid crowds, particularly if you’re at risk for complications from the flu

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

  • Wear a face mask

  • Contain your sneezes and coughs with a tissue and throw it away afterwards

  • Disinfect all surfaces that may have been contaminated

  • Follow other precautionary measures as recommended by health authorities

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