Updated 19 July 2019
Protests erupted in Puerto Rico this week demanding resignation of Governor Ricardo Rossello following the publishing of leaked chats between the Governor and some of his inner circle that included profanity and misogynistic and homophobic comments about fellow politicians and members of the media. The FBI has also implicated members of Rossello’s cabinet in fraud, conspiracy and corruption-related investigations.
Up-coming events:
Friday, July 19:
5pm – union members and others to gather at Bahia Urbana in San Juan and then march to the governor’s residence La Fortaleza
5pm – Sears parking lot at Las Catalinas Mall in Caguas, members of the community meeting, could turn into a protest event
Saturday, July 20:
2pm – a gathering planned at La Fortaleza
7pm – a separate group planning to gather also at La Foraleza
Monday, July 22:
9am – 4pm - Massive march planned to take place on the island’s second-most travelled road the tollway Luis Ferre Express (Las Americas Express) with meeting points at Hiram Bithorn Stadium and Plaza Las Americas.
More protests are expected over the coming weeks – especially in San Juan - with a high likelihood of turning violent as police have been using pepper spray on protesters already this week.
Possible Effects:
Likelihood of escalations in actions during future protests and demonstrations from both protesters and law enforcement
Disrupted modes of transportation
Increased presence of law enforcement personnel and an increased willingness to use force against protesters
Increases in traffic, especially near protest sites
Roads blocked by protestors with little to no notice
Protests which have the possibility of turning violent, especially after dark
Mitigating Factors to Apply:
Avoid all protests, demonstrations, and large crowds, which have the possibility of turning violent
Avoid discussing political topics in public or on social media
Exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of large gatherings or protests.
If you are caught in a blockade:
Remain calm
Do not exit your vehicle
Call the authorities
Emergency Services (police, fire, and medical): 911
Police: 787-343-2020
Allow extra time for travel
Monitor local and social media for updates
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