As you prepare for summer travel, here a few taxi safety considerations to keep in mind.
Have the concierge at the hotel or the information desk at the airport write the names and addresses of the sites you’re going to in the local language-they may also be able to provide you with the typical price range for your trip
Take a business card with you when you go out with the phone number of a reputable minicab or taxi company, and phone for the cab when you need it
Try not to let anyone overhear you ordering a cab
Ask for driver ID before getting into the vehicle-take a moment to make sure the face of the driver matches the license hanging on the dashboard
Generally, avoid entering a taxi with someone already in the passenger seat
Make note of the cab number which is usually found on a placard inside the cab in the event items are misplaced or left for reference later
Prior to getting in the vehicle, when practical, ask the driver how much the fare will be
Make sure the driver hasn’t left any time on the meter
Sit behind the driver, where you are less visible to the driver and passersby as well-if traveling solo, sitting in the middle puts you farther out of reach of anyone on the street; in certain countries the local customs will advise that you sit up front-make the appropriate decisions based off customs, threat etc.
If meeting someone, phone to let them know that you’ve ordered a cab, the name of the cab company, and where you ordered it from
Insist on using the meter-drivers usually prefer not to use the meter so they can give an unfair price
To combat luggage being left or stolen, try to keep your luggage in the seat next to you
Know where you’re going-have your destination and the best route written or mapped
Be sure to keep your eye out for drivers stating that their meter is broken or drivers going past your destination to run up the fare
Keep expensive items hidden and keep your phone handy
Know the locations specific line to call in case of an emergency
Do not provide the driver with too much personal information
Have small bills on hand to prevent cash overcharging or change irregularities by the cab driver
Pay when inside the taxi, with the door closed to minimize curbside robbery, distractions etc.