Updated on 10 June 2020
The Situation:
Currently, the U.S. has at least 2,045,741 confirmed cases – the highest in the world – with 400,660 of those located in New York - accounting for 5.5% of cases worldwide. Additionally, New Jersey has 167,192 cases and Illinois has 137,034 cases. Together, the top three states, New York, New Jersey and Illinois, account for 34.5% of all cases in the U.S – totaling 704,886 .
There are 788,885 recorded recoveries and 114,151 recorded deaths. On 3 May, the U.S. recorded its highest daily death toll with 2,909 deaths in 24 hours. Previously, the highest death toll in a 24-hour period was 2,471 on 23 April.

Many states’ stay-at-home/shelter-in-place orders have expired – safer-at-home orders and phased reopening plans have taken their place. Expiratory dates and guidelines are subject to change (See below for updated State-by-State measures for lifting restrictions).
Travel Restrictions and Recommendations:
U.S. DoS issued Global Level 4 Health Advisory on 19 March – Do Not Travel
The US-Canada border remains closed to non-essential travel until 21 June
The US-Mexico border remains closed to non-essential travel until 22 June
Current CDC Travel Alerts for Covid-19:
o The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where
other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

Symptoms to Watch Out For:
Officials say the respiratory disease, is capable of spreading through human-to-human contact, droplets carried through sneezing and coughing, and germs left on inanimate objects. The virus might spread during the incubation period – which is believed to be from 1 to 14 days. Be on the lookout for the following symptoms:
High fever
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Cough (usually dry)
Sore throat
Chills, sometimes with repeated shaking
Muscle aches or pain
Diarrhea, nausea, and/or vomiting
Loss of smell and/or taste (uncommon
Confusion, stroke-like symptoms, and/or seizures (rare)
Pneumonia (secondary infection)
Mitigating Measures to Apply while in the US:
Monitor local official information outlets for updates
Avoid non-essential travel to areas where the infection is known or spreading rapidly
Travelers who return from infected areas should self-quarantine
Practice social distancing at the workplace and in public spaces
Consider work from home arrangements for employees in locations where the virus is spreading or if employees must transit through those areas
Employees who feel ill or who have flu-like, respiratory or other symptoms should consider self-quarantine and or stay at home instead of attending office or other functions
Weigh the risks of conducting large scale gatherings where the virus is located and the potential for attendees to transit through higher risk areas
Avoid contact with animals (alive or dead), animal markets, and products that come from animals (such as uncooked meat)
Wash hands frequently with soap and water; use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water isn’t available
Older travelers and those with underlying health issues may be at higher risk and should speak to their healthcare provider before travel
Avoid exposure to those presenting the above symptoms
Avoid populated areas and gatherings if you feel ill (if at all possible)
Allow extra time for temperature screening at airports
Seek medical care immediately if you experience symptoms and have recently traveled to the infected areas; notify your healthcare provider of your recent travel
Some airlines and airports may require use of a mask at the facility and while aboard the aircraft. Confirm with your airline current policies in place.
Confirm travel schedule is not impacted by the coronavirus (including quarantines, which may be individually-imposed, visit/visa restrictions etc.)
Ensure the validity of all visas prior to travel as this could be subject to restrictions and changes
Affected Travelers and others:
All travelers have the potential for exposure
Plans for Lifting Restrictions by State (current as of 9 June):
• Alabama- As of 23 May, Alabama is currently in an ‘Amended Safer at Home’
phase. This phase is due to expire on 3 July.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Entertainment Venues, Athletic activities and facilities (with competition allowed to resume on 15 June), educational institutions, day care facilities, summer camp, retail stores, medical procedures, restaurants, bars, and breweries
Alaska- As of 22 May, Alaska is currently in Phase 3 of their Reopen Responsibly plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: All businesses, places of worship, libraries, museums, recreational and sports activities. It is the responsibility of individuals, businesses, and organizations to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Local jurisdictions may choose to keep restrictions in place.
All senior centers, prisons, and institutions will continue to have restricted access
Arizona- As of 15 May, Arizona entered, “Stay Healthy, Return Smarter, Return Stronger.”
Opened, subject to restrictions: Retail businesses, restaurants, Pools, gyms, fitness providers, and spas, casinos, and movie theaters.
Places of Worship are considered essential in Arizona and remain open
Arkansas- As of 4 May, Arkansas is in Phase 1 of their Economic Recovery Plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Gyms and fitness centers, restaurants and bars, entertainment venues, stadiums, state parks and facilities, lodging facilities, pools, and beaches.
California- As of 8 May, California is in Phase 2 of their Resilience Roadmap
Opened, subject to restrictions: Retail, manufacturing, offices (where telework is not possible), outdoor museums, limited personal services, childcare, restaurants, and places of worship.
Responses may vary between counties.
Colorado- Colorado is currently at ‘Level 3: Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors.’
Opened, subject to restrictions: Restaurants, retail, personal services, offices, campgrounds, pools, parks, and gyms
Responses may vary between localities
Connecticut- As of 20 May, Connecticut is in Phase 1 of their Reopening Plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: offices, outside dining, retail, museums and zoos (outdoor), outdoor recreation, personal services, summer camps and school.
On 20 June, Indoor facilities including gyms, hotels, other personal services, and indoor restaurants will be allowed to re-open.
Delaware- As of 1 June, Delaware began Phase 1 of their reopening plan. Phase 2 is due to being on 15 June.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Arts, culture, and history exhibits, Retail including malls, restaurants, breweries, and bars, beaches and parks, casinos, personal services, childcare, and places of worship
On 15 June, all opened businesses may expand customer capacity to 60%. During Phase 2, childcare will open to non-essential employees and summer camps may open.
District of Columbia- As of 29 May, D.C entered phase 1 for reopening.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Retail for pickup and delivery, hair services, restaurants, doctors’ offices, parks and tennis courts, tracks, and fields
Florida- As of 5 June, Florida began phase 2 of their Plan for Recovery or all Florida counties except Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Restaurants, bars, retail, gyms and fitness centers, personal services, entertainment services, Childcare and summer camps, museums, libraries, elective medical procedures, parks and beaches
Responses may vary between localities
Georgia-Georgia is lifting restrictions, but, older persons and the chronically ill, must remain sheltered-in-place through June 12.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Gyms, entertainment services, hair services, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, pools, and some elective medical procedures.
On 12 June, Amusement parks are allowed to reopen
Hawaii- Hawaii’s is currently in Phase 2 of their plan; ‘Act with Care.’
Opened, subject to restrictions: Beaches, piers, docks, state parks, pools and waterparks in some areas, campgrounds in some areas, gyms in some areas, retail, personal services and pet services, construction and offices, places of worship, and restaurants.
Responses may vary between localities
Idaho- As of 30 May, Idaho entered Stage 3 of their reopening plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Daycare, youth activities, places of worship, restaurants, bars, breweries, etc, personal services, gyms and recreation facilities, pools, waterparks, and movie theaters.
Illinois- Illinois is currently in Phase 3 of its reopening plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Manufacturing, offices, retail, hair services, restaurants for outdoor services, parks, and fitness clubs
Indiana- As of 22 May, Indiana entered Stage 3 of their reopening plan, except Cass, Lake, and Marion which entered the stage on 1 June. Stage 4 is predicted to begin on 13 June.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Places of worship, retail, restaurants, personal services, libraries, theaters, offices, gyms, pools, sport courts, and campgrounds.
Iowa- Iowa currently has a declared Public Health Disaster Emergency until 25 June.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Places of worship, entertainment services, personal services, restaurants and bars retail, camps, gyms, pools, and parks.
Responses may vary between counties
Kansas- As of 8 June, Kansas entered Phase 3 of their reopening plan. A ‘Phase Out’ will be initiated no earlier than 22 June.
Opened, subject to restrictions: All education, activities, venues and establishments
Reopening is at the discretion of the counties.
Kentucky- As of 22 May, Kentucky is currently in phase 2 of its reopening plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Places of worship, retail, restaurants, distilleries, theaters, fitness centers, pet and personal services, museums, libraries, and bowling alleys
On 11 June, campgrounds may reopen and on June 15, childcare may resume with reduced capacity.
Louisiana- As of 4 June, Louisiana moved into Phase 2 reopening based on the White House Plan for Reopening.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Restaurants, bars, breweries, shopping malls, gyms and fitness centers, personal services, entertainment services, racetracks, and museums
Maine- As of 1 June, Maine has entered Phase 2 of their reopening plan. Responses may vary by locality- as they are following strict checklists.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Museums, religious gatherings, outdoor fitness, restaurants, lodging, campgrounds, day camps, State parks and beaches, community sports, pet and personal services, all retail, some education programs, constructions, and drive-in theaters. Gatherings up to 50 people.
Maryland- As of 5 June, Maryland entered Stage 3 of their Roadmap to Recovery.
Opened, subject to restrictions: non-essential businesses, personal services, construction and manufacturing, offices, outdoor recreation, religious gatherings, outdoor restaurants, breweries, wineries, and distilleries.
Several jurisdictions may keep restrictions in place.
Massachusetts- As of 1 June, Massachusetts entered Phase 2 of their reopening plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Childcare, retail, limited to no-contact sports programs, restaurants, pet and personal services, manufacturing and construction, offices, parks, beaches, and outdoor recreation.
Michigan- As of 1 June, Michigan entered Phase 4 of their Safe Start program.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Retail, manufacturing and construction, offices, summer school programs, restaurants, and retail
Responses may vary by county/region.
Minnesota- As of 1 June, Minnesota entered Phase 2 of their Stay Safe plan for reopening.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Drive-in gatherings, offices, retail, outdoor restaurants, personal services, childcare, some summer education programs, organized youth sports, outdoor recreation, places of worship, campgrounds, and pools for youth programs.
Mississippi- As of 1 June, Mississippi entered a ‘Safe Return’ model for recovery.
Opened, subject to restrictions: all businesses and non-profits, all schools and reception halls, all medical facilities, all outdoor recreation. Gatherings increased to 50 indoors and 100 outdoors.
Missouri- As of 1 June, Missouri entered the next step in their ‘Show Me Strong’ recovery plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: All businesses and services
Montana- As of 1 June, Montana entered Phase 2 of their reopening plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: All businesses, places of worship, and outdoor activities
Nebraska- As of 1 June, Nebraska entered Phase 2 of their reopening guidelines.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Places of worship, childcare, bars and restaurants, zoos, theaters, pools, gyms, outdoor recreation, and personal services.
Responses may vary by county/region.
Nevada- As of 29 May, Nevada entered Phase 2 of their reopening plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Places of worship, gyms and fitness facilities, retail, restaurants and food establishments, personal services, pools, water parks, museums, galleries, and zoos, entertainment services, and outdoor recreation.
New Hampshire- New Hampshire is currently in a Stay at Home 2.0 status.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Parks, campgrounds, retail, restaurants, lodging, outdoor recreation, drive-in theaters, restaurants, beaches, and personal services
On June 22, day camps are allowed to open. On June 28, overnight camps may open
New Jersey- New Jersey’s stay-at-home order was lifted 9 June.
As of May 2, New Jersey is in Stage 1 of their restart plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: State parks, golf, construction, retail, beaches, outdoor recreation, elective medical procedures, childcare, restaurants, and horse racetracks. Indoor gatherings allowed at 50 people or 25% of the buildings capacity. Outdoor gatherings limited to 100 people.
New Mexico- New Mexico’s stay-at-home order expired May 15.
Opened, subject to restrictions: State parks, pet and personal services, retail, including malls, offices, places of worship, and restaurants.
New York- Stages of reopening in New York vary for region to region. All regions are in either Phase 1 or 2
Opened, subject to restrictions: Retail, places of worship, outdoor recreation, offices, construction and manufacturing, hair services, restaurants.
Responses may vary by county/region
North Carolina- As of 22 May, North Carolina entered Phase 2 of their Staying at Home reopening plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Retail, childcare, restaurants, personal services, arenas and stadiums, pools, day camps, state parks
North Dakota- As of 29 May, North Dakota is in ‘Green- low risk level’ of their Smart Restart plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: All businesses and services including summer school programs
Ohio- Ohio continues state to reopen with a “phased-in” approach.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Retail, personal services, restaurants, bars, childcare and day camps, campgrounds, gyms and fitness centers, catering services, non-contact sports, pools, museums and zoos, galleries and theaters, recreation centers and businesses
Oklahoma- As of 1 June, Oklahoma entered Phase 3 of their Open Up and Recover Safety Plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Personal and pet services, states parks, gyms restaurants, bars, entertainment services, places of worship, summer camps, elective medical procedures and offices
Oregon- As of 3 June, Oregon began Phase 2 of their reopening plan
Opened, subject to restrictions: Restaurants, retail, outdoor recreation, places of worship, childcare, day camps, summer school, personal services, gyms, entertainment services.
Responses may vary by county/region.
Pennsylvania- As of 5 June, 34 of Pennsylvania's counties are in the green phase, and 33 are in the yellow phase, of their reopening plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Childcare, schools, retail, restaurants and bars for outdoor. Green counties may have restaurants and bars for indoor, personal services, gyms and indoor recreation, entertainment facilities, and construction
Responses may vary by county/region.
Rhode Island- As of 1 June, Rhode Island is in Phase 2 of its reopening plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Restaurants, retail, offices, personal services, gyms and fitness facilities, outdoor recreation and entertainment, places of worship, and childcare
South Carolina- South Carolina continues to reopen business over time
Opened, subject to restrictions: Beaches, retail, restaurants, gyms and fitness centers, pools, and personal services
South Dakota- South Dakota is currently in a ‘Back to Normal Plan’. In which businesses are open and practicing hygiene and social distancing.
Tennessee- Tennessee is currently following a Reopening Responsibly Plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Parks, restaurants, retail, gyms, personal services, entertainment services, and amusement parks, summer camps.
Responses may vary by county/region. Gatherings limited to 50.
Texas- As of 3 June, Texas has entered Phase 3 of their reopening plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Nearly all services and businesses may resume but may be subject to occupancy restrictions.
Utah- Utah is currently operating on a color-coded risk reopening plan. 3 cities are operating with Moderate Risk, while the Counties are operating with Low Risk.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Restaurants, bars, retail, tourism, art and entertainment services, personal services, constructions, gyms and fitness centers, and childcare, places of worship
Vermont- Vermont’s stay-at-home order ended 15 May.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Retail, outdoor recreation, manufacturing and construction, gyms and fitness centers, and restaurants
Virginia- Most of Virginia is currently in Phase 2 of it’s Safer at Home plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Restaurants, farmer markets, retail, gyms and fitness facilities, pools, recreational sports, personal services, campgrounds and summer camps, entertainment services, and places of worship. Gatherings limited to 50.
Washington- As of May 28, Washington is participating in a Smart Start reopening plan. A majority of the counties are currently in Phase 2.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Outdoor recreation, state parks, retail, hair services, elective medical procedure, pet and personal services, restaurants for outdoor.
Responses may vary by county/region.
West Virginia- West Virginia is currently in weeks 3-6 of their reopening plan.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Small business, retail, parks, gyms and fitness centers, restaurants, hotels, casinos, personal and pet services, places of worship, campgrounds, low-contact youth sports, and outpatient healthcare.
Wisconsin- As of 13 May, the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the governor’s safer at home order, effective immediately. This rendered the Safer at Home and Badger Bounce Back orders unenforceable.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Outdoor recreation, pet services, and retail
Wyoming- Wyoming is participating in a transitioning plan to reopen.
Opened, subject to restrictions: Gyms, personal services, movie theaters and performance venues, restaurants, and national parks
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Disclaimer: LSDS™ gathers information from multiple sources and offers insight and perspective to travelers. Sources cannot be validated for accuracy in every instance. Travelers assume all risk associated with their travel and are responsible for the decisions associated with travel and for their own safety. Users of this reference document agree, to hold harmless LSDS™ (LLC) its employees and clients associated with any risk or injury incurred during travel.