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This is a period of significant differences between international destinations with respect to travel impact. Globally, we have surpassed 8.9 million total confirmed cases. We have also noted that 50% of confirmed cases have recovered – increasing 2% since 15 June. Of the reported closed cases (5.1 million) 9% have died. Of the current active cases (4 million) 1% are listed as serious or critical (over 57,800 cases).

We strongly encourage all leaders and individuals to comprehensively plan for return to work with integrated risk management protocols and practices and avoid rushing to failure.

Notable Statistics:

  • 8,999,645 total cases across 188 countries globally – up from 7,944,236 cases on 15 June (1,055,409 case difference)

  • 4,462,698 recoveries (50% of total cases) – up from 3,796,719 on 15 June

  • 468,907 deaths (5.2% of total cases)– up from 434,060 on 15 June

  • Social distancing and shelter in place directives are changing across the globe (location dependent)

The Situation:

On 21 June, the WHO reported a record increase in global coronavirus cases 183,000 in a 24 hour period.

  • 116,000 of those were in the Americas with the most coming from Brazil with 54,771, followed by the U.S. with 36,617. India reported 15,400 new cases.

  • Experts attribute it to both widespread testing and infection spread.

  • 461,000 people have died and over two thirds of those deaths have come from North and South America.

On 1 June, the WHO warned of risks of “immediate second peak” as lockdowns are eased, and urges U.S. and Europe to step up testing and tracking measures.

Experts are concerned that cooler weather patterns beginning in the Southern Hemisphere could possibly trigger a more intense transmission of Covid-19. Saying it is “very likely” that the virus will show a similar seasonal pattern to other coronaviruses and could be able to transmit more efficiently due to people changing lifestyle patterns (i.e. indoors more).

Countries around the world beginning to ease lockdowns as daily infections and deaths slow while some are continuing to maintain and/or increase restrictions.

Vaccine trials are under way in the U.S., Europe and China, but will take 12-18 months to be fully developed and released to the public. Officials say more than half dozen vaccine programs are in the clinical phase and over 80 are in preliminary phase.


  • Spain to look into allowing visitors from non-European countries this week in efforts to revive its tourism sector. Has reopened to European travelers already.

  • Germany reported 537 new cases Monday and only three new deaths.

    • Reproduction rate of the virus jumped Sunday to 2.88, up from 1.79 on Saturday. Anything above 1.00 indicates a spreading infection.

  • Italy reported 224 new cases on Sunday and 24 deaths.

    • The Health Ministry is asking government advisors to evaluate the WHO’s new recommendation that patients who have isolated for 10 consecutive days can be released once they are symptom free for 3 days. No longer recommending two negative tests taken 24 hours apart.

  • Bulgaria brings back face mask requirement as cases spike again. Country recorded its highest weekly rise last week with 606 cases. Only reporting 3,905 cases total and 199 deaths.


  • Russia reported 7,600 new cases as total number of cases approaches 600,000. About half of those cases are in Moscow.

  • Kazakhstan to lockdown northern city of Kostanay and four nearby towns 27-28 June after a new spike in cases. Kazakhstan has seen a quintupling of cases since reopening in mid-May.


  • Indonesia reported 954 more cases and 35 more deaths. Has the highest death toll in East Asia outside of China with 2,500.

  • Beijing only reported 18 new cases for all of China Sunday, 9 of those in Beijing, as drop from 22 the day before. 236 people have been infected in this latest wave in the city stemming from a wholesale food market on 11 June. Control measures continue and a “cliff-like” drop in cases is expected by the end of this week.

  • South Korea saw only 17 new cases on Monday after reporting 67 on Saturday and 48 on Sunday (no additional deaths). The decrease is being credited to lower test numbers by health officials. Majority of cases are still in Seoul and there is concern that if new daily cases do not drop below 30 over the next several days stronger measures will be brought back amid fears of losing control of the virus.

    • Basic reproduction number is nearly at 1.8 between 30 April and 11 June – anything over 1.00 equals a growing pandemic.

    • Blame going to lax social distancing amongst public as public transport usage is close to last year’s levels.

  • India reported 14,821 new cases on Monday along with about 300 deaths. Cases surging in poorer rural areas as migrant workers flee major cities.

    • 60% of cases have been reported in states Delhi, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu (where manufacturing hob Chennai is located)

    • Recorded record 2,000 deaths in one day last week, 16 June

  • Thailand reported three new imported cases, all returning from India. 28 days without a local transmission.

Middle East

  • 15 June: According to WHO and UN children’s agency UNICEF the disruption of essential nutrition and health services in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) could kill over 50,000 children under 5 in the region. A 40% increase over pre-Covid-19 numbers.

  • Pakistan continues to see large daily increases in new cases, reported 4,471 new cases on Sunday, pushing total over 181,000. Death toll stands at 3,661.

    • 20 June: limited international commercial flights were resumed

    • 16 May: domestic commercial flights resumed

    • Testing about 30,000 people per day, short of WHO’s recommendation of 50,000

    • Government enforces “smart lockdowns”, which focus on infection hotspots, not whole cities.

    • Pushing to reopen in hopes of salvaging “near-collapsed” economy.

  • Saudi Arabia ended its nationwide curfew and restrictions on businesses while international flights and religious pilgrimages remain suspended, social gatherings of more than 50 still prohibited.

    • Kingdom has the highest number of cases in the Gulf and has seen a spike in cases since starting to ease lockdown measures in late May.


  • 17 April: WHO Africa – a tentative projection shows that cases in Africa could hit as many as 10 million in 3-6 months.

  • Africa has 306,567 cases total and 8,115 deaths.

    • Experts warn that continent’s fragile healthcare system could easily be overwhelmed if outbreak becomes severe.


  • New Zealand extends ban on cruise ships due to end on 30 June. Cargo and fishing vessels allowed and ships needing repairs.

    • Currently has 9 active cases, but no evidence of community transmission.

South/Central America

  • Brazil’s death toll rises past 50,000 mark – trails only the U.S. death toll. Now at 50,591 deaths and 1,083,341 confirmed cases as of Monday am.

  • Mexico reports 5,343 new cases and 1.044 new deaths. Government still maintains that number of cases is most likely “significantly” higher than the confirmed cases reported.

    • To resume sending temporary farm workers to Canada.

  • Unrest in prisons over conditions have been reported in several countries across Latin America.


  • U.S. and Canada agree to keep border closed to non-essential travel through 22 June, at least.


  • U.S. cases rose to 2,286,457 confirmed cases, 119,997 total deaths and 622,133 recovered.

    • U.S. sees a spike in cases in California, Texas, Arizona and Florida. Due to both an increase in tests and community spread.

  • A dozen states saw record daily highs over the weekend: Florida, Texas, Utah, South Carolina, Nevada, Georgia, Missouri, Montana, Arizona, California, Tennessee and Oklahoma.

    • 15 June: U.S. regional data showing that cases are slowing in the Northeast and Midwest, while rising in South and West. Increased testing is partially the cause, while hospitalizations are on the rise in NC, AZ and TX. FL does not report hospitalizations. Biggest concern is that people are disregarding social distancing and not wearing masks as re-openings progress.

Please note changes to the following chart: Numbers in parentheses reflect ranking of country in the previous report on 15 June. New countries to reach the top 25 and data are in red. New numbers are in red and numbers from last report are in black.

Worldwide Total Cases, Recoveries, and Deaths:

Travel Effects:

  • Many countries have urged citizens to reconsider travel or avoid nonessential travel

  • Specialized quarantines based on needs per country.

  • Many countries are experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and implementing travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines, closing borders, and prohibiting non-citizens from entry with little advance notice.

  • Airlines have cancelled many international flights and several cruise operators have suspended operations or cancelled trips.

  • Current CDC Travel Alerts for Covid-19:

    • Level 3 – Avoid all nonessential travel – Global COVID-19 Pandemic Notice – Widespread Ongoing Transmission - LINK

    • See LINK for all current travel alerts by country

Symptoms to Watch Out For:

Officials say the respiratory disease, is capable of spreading through human-to-human contact, droplets carried through sneezing and coughing, and germs left on inanimate objects. The virus might spread during the incubation period – which is believed to be from 1 to 14 days. Be on the lookout for the following symptoms:

  • High fever

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

  • Cough (usually dry)

  • Sore throat

  • Chills sometimes with repeated shaking

  • Headache

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle aches or pain

  • Diarrhea, nausea, and/or vomiting

  • Loss of smell and/or taste (uncommon)

  • Confusion, stroke-like symptoms, and/or seizures (rare)

  • Pneumonia (secondary infection)

DISCLAIMER and Hold Harmless

Disclaimer: LSDS™ gathers information from multiple sources and offers insight and perspective to travelers. Sources cannot be validated for accuracy in every instance. Travelers assume all risk associated with their travel and are responsible for the decisions associated with travel and for their own safety. Users of this reference document agree, to hold harmless LSDS™ (LLC) its employees and clients associated with any risk or injury incurred during travel.


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