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Updated on 8 June 2020

The Situation: As of Monday, 8 June, there are 7,036,623 total cases across 188 countries globally, with 3,155,088 recoveries and 403,267 deaths. Social distancing and shelter in place directives are increasing and easing across the globe (location dependent). On 1 June, the WHO warned of risks of “immediate second peak” as lockdowns are eased, and urges U.S. and Europe to step up testing and tracking measures. Experts are concerned that cooler weather patterns beginning in the Southern Hemisphere could possibly trigger a more intense transmission of Covid-19. Saying it is “very likely” that the virus will show a similar seasonal pattern to other coronaviruses and could be able to transmit more efficiently due to people changing lifestyle patterns (i.e. indoors more). Countries around the world beginning to ease lockdowns as daily infections and deaths slow while some are continuing to maintain and/or increase restrictions. Vaccine trials are under way in the U.S., Europe and China, but will take 12-18 months to be fully developed and released to the public. Officials say more than half dozen vaccine programs are in the clinical phase and over 80 are in preliminary phase.

Researchers suggest social distancing measures might be necessary into 2022 without an effective treatment or vaccine. Globally, countries – and in the U.S. state governors – begin to outline plans to restart their economies. Public health officials around the world say the only way to keep the death toll from growing quickly is to extend lockdowns.


  • Denmark bumps up public gathering allowance to 50 people.

  • U.K. begins 14-day quarantine rule for all international arrivals.

  • Italy reported 53 deaths on Sunday, after 72 on Saturday. Lifted restrictions on inter-regional travel, as well as to and from other European countries last week.


  • Moscow to start lifting some restrictions 9 June, city’s death toll at 2,970 as of Monday.


  • India reports record new numbers, 9,983 according to figures announced Monday. Health officials expect outbreak to peak in July.

o Worst-hit state of Maharashtra reporting 85,975 total cases, more than all of China

o Reopening temples and malls in some cities.

  • Thailand has not had a local transmission in two weeks, reporting 77 cases in past 14 days, all of which were imported.

  • South Korea new case numbers are slowing: 38 reported on Monday (33 locally transmitted and all were in Seoul), 57 reported on Sunday

  • Vietnam reports two new cases, both imported by travelers from Mexico. Has not had a locally transmitted case in 53 days.

  • Japan reported no new deaths Sunday for first time since 6 March. 38 new infections reported.

  • Indonesia reports 847 new cases and 32 new deaths. Total number of cases pushes past 32,000.

  • China on Sunday reported first non-imported new case in two weeks, on Hainan Island, as well as 5 imported.

Middle East

  • Pakistan reports 4,728 new cases on Sunday as total number passes 100,000.

o Restrictions on businesses and economic activity have been largely lifted. Tourism sector reopened last week.

o Average number of cases per day last week was 4,458, double the rate from the week before.

o Former PM Abbasi tests positive, also the Railways Minister and former health minister for NE Punjab province.


  • 17 April: WHO Africa – a tentative projection shows that cases in Africa could hit as many as 10 million in 3-6 months.


  • New Zealand claims to be virus-free, last new case was reported on 22 May and the last active case was “closed” and patient discharged from hospital. Had implemented one of the strictest lockdowns in the world.

o Last restrictions were lifted, while border remains closed.

South/Central America

  • Latin American cases and deaths rising faster than anywhere else in the world right now. Region has almost 1.2 million cases and over 62,000 deaths.

o WHO does not believe the region has seen its peak yet.

  • Brazil’s death toll passes Italy’s, becoming 3rd highest in the world and is expected to pass U.K. soon.

  • Mexico had its worst week of the outbreak last week with first day recording over 1,000 deaths and 3 consecutive days of record new cases.

  • Chile’s death toll jumps drastically after data consolidated from death registry and information from labs. 6,553 deaths were added to toll with only 93 of those being “new”. Total stands at 2,290.

  • Cuban President Diaz-Canal claims virus is under control; no deaths reported over past 8 days. Expected announcement next week regarding strategy for easing lockdown measures.

  • Honduras extends curfew through 14 June.

  • Guatemala president to work remotely after 18 staff members test positive.

  • Unrest in prisons over conditions have been reported in several countries across Latin America.


  • U.S. and Canada agree to keep border closed to non-essential travel through 22 June, at least.


  • U.S. cases rose to 1,942,363 confirmed cases, 110,514 total deaths and 506,367 recovered.

  • 21 April: U.S. CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield, warns a second wave of coronavirus during next fall/winter’s flu season could be deadly and states should start preparing now.

  • Federal stay-at-home measures and social distancing guidelines were extended through 30 April.

Please note changes to the following chart: Numbers in (..) reflect ranking of country in the previous report on1 June for comparison. New countries to reach the top 25 and data are in red. New numbers are in red and numbers from last report are in black.

Travel Effects:

  • Many countries have urged citizens to reconsider travel or avoid nonessential travel

  • Specialized quarantines based on needs per country.

  • Many countries are experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and implementing travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines, closing borders, and prohibiting non-citizens from entry with little advance notice.

  • Airlines have cancelled many international flights and several cruise operators have suspended operations or cancelled trips.

  • Current CDC Travel Alerts for Covid-19:

o Level 3 – Avoid all nonessential travel – Global COVID-19 Pandemic Notice – Widespread Ongoing Transmission - LINK

o See LINK for all current travel alerts by country

Symptoms to Watch Out For:

Officials say the respiratory disease, is capable of spreading through human-to-human contact, droplets carried through sneezing and coughing, and germs left on inanimate objects. The virus might spread during the incubation period – which is believed to be from 1 to 14 days. Be on the lookout for the following symptoms:

  • High fever

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

  • Cough (usually dry) and/or sore throat

  • Fatigue

  • Chills sometimes with repeated shaking

  • Headache

  • Muscle aches or pain

  • Diarrhea, nausea, and/or vomiting

  • Loss of smell and/or taste (uncommon)

  • Confusion, stroke-like symptoms, and/or seizures (rare)

  • Pneumonia (secondary infection)

Mitigating Measures to Apply:

  • Monitor local authorities for updates

  • Avoid travel to or through China (including layovers) and specifically through Wuhan and Hubei province, Northern Italy, South Korea, certain areas in the United States and other notable hotspots where transmission is high or on the rise across the globe.

  • Avoid non-essential travel to areas where the infection is known or spreading rapidly

  • Travelers who return from infected areas should self-quarantine

  • Practice social distancing at the workplace and in public spaces

  • Consider work from home arrangements for employees in locations where the virus is spreading or if employees must transit through those areas

  • Employees who feel ill or who have flu-like, respiratory or other symptoms should consider self-quarantine and or stay at home instead of attending office or other functions

  • Weigh the risks of conducting large scale gatherings where the virus is located and the potential for attendees to transit through higher risk areas

  • Large scale gatherings should be avoided

  • Avoid contact with animals (alive or dead), animal markets, and products that come from animals (such as uncooked meat)

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water; use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water isn’t available

  • Older travelers and those with underlying health issues may be at higher risk and should speak to their healthcare provider before travel

  • Avoid exposure to those presenting the above symptoms

  • Avoid populated areas and gatherings if you feel ill (if at all possible)

  • Allow extra time for temperature screening at airports worldwide

  • Some airlines and airports may require use of a mask at the facility and while aboard the aircraft. Confirm with your airline current policies in place.

  • Enroll in a Safe Traveler Program to receive warnings from your preferred embassy

  • Seek medical care immediately if you experience symptoms and have recently traveled to the infected areas; notify your healthcare provider of your recent travel

  • Confirm travel schedule is not impacted by the coronavirus (including quarantines, which may be individually-imposed, visit/visa restrictions, entry/exit requirements and restrictions, etc.)

  • Ensure the validity of all visas prior to travel as this could be subject to restrictions and changes

Affected Travelers and others:

All travelers have the potential for exposure

DISCLAIMER and Hold Harmless

Disclaimer: LSDS™ gathers information from multiple sources and offers insight and perspective to travelers. Sources cannot be validated for accuracy in every instance. Travelers assume all risk associated with their travel and are responsible for the decisions associated with travel and for their own safety. Users of this reference document agree, to hold harmless LSDS™ (LLC) its employees and clients associated with any risk or injury incurred during travel.


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