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Risk Mitigation Episode 10: Travel Scams

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Host: Stacy Mandock

Stacy provides support to the LSDS Risk Mitigation team as a program lead for collegiate travel and assists in doing the initial research for travel destinations and identifying potential concerns and/or risks before and during travel. Stacy is also the team lead for Research & Development and the LSDS Decision Line Egress Bags. Working with clients to make sure that they - and all their household - are ready to go at a moment's notice.

Guest: Kim Overton

Kim is a researcher working with the Risk Mitigation team to provide current, valuable, and practical updates to ensure travelers are well-informed and prepared. Knowing how the entire world is interconnected, Kim enjoys tracking situations and developments that can impact our traveler clients. With research skills honed, attaining a Bachelor’s degree in English and Math, she also holds a Master’s degree in Education.

On this topic: There are many subtle ways to be scammed. To reduce your risk of falling victim, check out our tips to ensure these scams cast a shadow over your next trip.

Key Takeaways

● Transportation Scams

● Money Scams

● “Help Me” Scams

● Copycat sites for official documents - International Drivers permits, Passports, travel visas, etc.

● Cyber -

  • “Free wi-fi” - Scammers will set up a free, unlocked wi-fi and once you’ve logged on will have access to all your data and take what they want.

  • Always use VPN when traveling. (refer to previous podcast)

Best Practices

1) Know where you’re going.

2) Use official sites.

3) Be suspicious. Don’t feel pressured into anything.

How to Report a Scam:

● Report cyber-crime to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center(IC3) - Link

● Federal Trade Commission - Report Fraud - Link

● Your State Attorney General - Link


● U.S. Department of State - Travel Advisories



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