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The Attuned Leader

Dynamic Leadership Discussions - Listen here.

On this Topic: Leaders who understand and are attuned to the ecosystem of their organization are better positioned to create the conditions needed to positively impact the culture and success within their company. Explore what being an “attuned leader” means in practice for organizations and leaders who are interested in developing those skills in themselves and others.

Host: Stacy Mandock

Stacy provides support to the LSDS Risk Mitigation team as a program lead for collegiate travel and assists in doing the initial research for travel destinations and identifying potential concerns and/or risks before and during travel. Stacy is also the team lead for Research & Development and the LSDS Decision Line Egress Bags. Working with clients to make sure that they - and all their household - are ready to go at a moment's notice.

Guest: Terry Peters

Terry is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Leader Solutions Decisions Support (LSDS) which provides executive coaching to leaders of all levels and empowers and supports individuals and organizations with the skills and knowledge to achieve their professional vision. Terry has led leadership development forums with Amazon’s North American Customer Fulfillment, Global Engineering Services (GES), and has built a resident leadership academy for Riot Games. He is a 27-year Army Veteran and has numerous decorations and foreign awards for his service to the Nation.


Key take-aways for Retaining Talent discussion with Terry Peters

An attuned leader is one who is situationally aware, emotionally intelligent, highly empathetic and focuses on people and the mission.

Attuned leaders’ actions and behaviors are key to building a sense of empowerment in an effort to make the collective team better.

Attuned leaders are willing to adjust priorities and schedules to build the environment where people can thrive.

Leadership development best practices for the attuned leader.

● Build an environment that is safe to learn and safe to fail.

● Facilitate a safe space for feedback and reflection for real projects and problems.

● Designate mentors.

● Allow yourself to learn and evolve and become a better version of yourself.

● Reveal vulnerabilities and seek feedback.

● Share executive shadowing.


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