LSDS is proud to present this fantastic list of resources for remote learning, courtesy of our Data & Integration Director, Angie Gerhan. In addition to her work with LSDS, Angie is a full-time 4th Grade Teacher, a Level 1 Google Certified Educator, and will begin her Masters in Education in Instruction and Technology this May. We hope that your family will benefit from these incredible resources as you delve deeper into the exciting adventures of unexpected homeschooling.
For Parents: How to Read to Your Child & How to Build Reading Fluency at Home
Newsela & Tween Tribune have leveled non-fiction, some with quizzes.
Epic Books free through June
Listening Lessons- have kids listen, take notes, then create a graphic organizer of main idea and details.
Wakelet- great way for kids to show what they know
Mashup Math worksheets that follow Engage NY- 1st-8th grades
K-5 Number Sense Resources:
Splat! - Download the PowerPoints and put them in “present mode.” Have your child guess how many shapes there are under the Splat.
Solve Me Puzzles - Three different types of puzzles that will challenge your child to make sense of numbers. Most of these puzzles are appropriate for Grade 2 +.
Four 4s Problem - This classic game asks students to use multiple operations and their strategic problem-solving skills to turn Four 4s into many different numbers. Appropriate for Grades 3 +.
How Many Rows? - Try to get the greatest number of squares by making rectangles. Appropriate for Grades 3 +.
Tic-Tac-Toe Sums - A twist on the classic tic-tac-toe game, this time trying to use strategy to find the total of two numbers
Which One Doesn't Belong? - Pick a picture and find a reason why each part doesn’t belong. Which one is not like the others? Perfect to print out or show on your device.
Greg Tang's Math Resources - Sign up for email list and hundreds of printable games become available for you that are high-quality!
K-5 Estimation Resources:
Esti-Mysteries - Download the PowerPoints and put them in “present mode.” Have your child guess how many objects there are. Using the clues, narrow down the guesses!
Estimation 180 - Pick a picture and estimate! Have your child type their responses in the boxes if they want or just talk with you. If you click Estimates, you will see kids’ work from all over the nation!
Loop-De-Loops - Predict where your spiral will go! Did you estimate correctly?
Mystery Science lessons, organized by grade level, for online learning
Inquir.ed weekly inquiry based lessons for PreK-8th (these are really good!)
Bill Nye Videos:
Cornell Labs Bird Cams - Have students observe for 5 or more minutes a day and maintain a scientific journal of their observations, describing what they saw, what has changed or what they predict will happen next. There are several cams but the Barred Owls and Albatross nests are live now and have eggs in the nests. Students can write a compare, contrast paragraph or google slide deck.
Scholastic Study Jams Science and Math
Boolean Girl: coding lessons
12 Free Educational Activities available at the Minecraft Marketplace
https://www.cmnh.org/athome - Virtual science classes, in-depth looks at animals, and profiles of scientists
https://www.sesamestreet.org/caring - And on their social media pages
Free Online Educational Game Sites: ow.ly/X2R050yOqvz
Kids Learning Videos for PreK and K: https://www.youtube.com/user/Kidslearningvideo
For Creating your own Flipped Lessons: Flipgrid-how to use Flipgrid
Kahoot - Free Access Details
Screencastify - this is an extension app you add to Chrome
Zoom task cards with tutorials for using https://zoom.us/
Duolingo.com- language learning
Babbel.com - free for 3 months
Music Lab - SongMaker
Virtual Museum Tours
NE Ohio Museums
NE Ohio Museums team up to provide virtual materials (William McKinley Museum and Presidential Library, Massillon Museum, Canton Museum of Art, National First Ladies' Library, Pro Football Hall of Fame, Dennison Railroad Depot Museum)
Noon daily on their Facebook pages
More information about the schedule and content here: https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2020/03/6-ne-ohio-museums-join-forces-to-offer-special-online-content.html
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Every day at 11am
Cleveland Metroparks
Every day at 1pm
Other Digital Resources
Podcasts for Kids:
Storytime (for little kids): https://bedtime.fm/storytime
Stories Podcast (for big kids): http://storiespodcast.com/
Brains On (science focused): https://www.brainson.org/
Circle Round (folktales from around the world): https://www.npr.org/podcasts/532788972/circle-round
Wow in the World (current events): https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510321/wow-in-the-world
Storynory (literature): https://www.storynory.com/
Kids Ask Authors (author Grace Lin’s new podcast): https://www.kidsaskauthors.com
Story/Book Websites:
Just Books Read Aloud: https://justbooksreadaloud.com/
Storyline Online: https://www.storylineonline.net/
Mrs. P’s: http://mrsp.com/
Story Place (preschool-kindergarten): https://www.storyplace.org/
Growing Book by Book: online read-aloud site list
Pernille Ripp: online read-aloud site list
Audible Stories (free audiobooks for kids and teens): https://stories.audible.com/start-listen
Scribd (free 30-day subscription, audiobooks, ebooks, magazines): https://www.scribd.com/readfree?utm_source=readfree
Tumble Books (ebooks, with AR levels listed) Username: Tumble735 Password: books: https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/portal.aspx
Storia (4th and 5th grade only): https://www.storiaschool.com/#/students/login
Ranger Rick (free digital access to magazine): https://rangerrick.org/freedigital/
COVID ebook care package (5 free graphic novels with selected activity guides): http://papercutz.com/covid-19-e-book-care-package
Reading A to Z (limited free access): https://www.raz-kids.com/?fbclid=IwAR09iKkbubRlntpLnuFW9VtN3VRh2yUsXs3doFivxSsBSBbKYLgYywcD9KM
Authors Online:
Jarrett Krosoczka (author/illustrator of Lunch Lady fame and this amazing Ted Talk for adults only) - Every weekday at 2:00pm: https://www.youtube.com/studiojjk
Emily Arrow (literacy-inspired music) - Every day at 1:00pm: https://www.youtube.com/emilyarrow
Ben Clanton (creator of the graphic novel series Narwhal and Jelly, which is very very popular among all ages at WES): https://www.facebook.com/events/190785292224208/
Mac Barnett (completely cute and charming* author of many picture and chapter books, including Mac B, Kid Spy) - Instagram Live; posts stay up for 24 hours: https://www.instagram.com/macbarnett/
Mo Willems: Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems - Every weekday at 1:00pm: https://www.kennedy-center.org/mowillems?fbclid=IwAR23vZ3BeA-NT-1sd3y6z7ex_YMe2gh_DroxZZR1x2UAltfj-7MEpmE_3yg
Jerry Pallotta (author of the Who Would Win? series) - Reading aloud occasionally on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRpDinPy0xJcPhtVzTL6CPw/videos
Doreen Cronin (author of Click Clack Moo and many others) - Sharing resources, activities, and reading aloud on her facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DoreenCroninAuthor/
Oliver Jeffers (author of The Day the Crayons Quit and Gossie and Gertie) - Every weekday at 2pm: https://www.instagram.com/oliverjeffers/?utm_source=ig_embed
Peter H Reynolds - Every day on facebook at noon: https://www.facebook.com/peter.h.reynolds
Grace Lin: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIQet5ij4zAuR_QGOQ1vAxQ
Vashti Harrison (author of the books Little Leaders, Little Dreamers, and Little Legends) - Sharing drawing tutorials and worksheets: https://www.instagram.com/vashtiharrison/?hl=en
Carson Ellis (author of Home and Du Iz Tak?): https://www.instagram.com/carsonellis/?utm_source=ig_embed
The resources for remote learning on this comprehensive list were selected by Ms. Gerhan from www.thejournal.com, which features an extensive list of free resources that is updated almost daily.