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Typhoon Meari Alert-Japan

The Situation:

The Japan Meteorological Agency announced the formation of Typhoon Meari off the coast of Japan on 12 August. The typhoon is expected to make landfall in the Tokai or Kanto region on 13 August.

In the 24-hour period up to 6 a.m. on 13 August, Typhoon Meari is forecast to bring up to 150 millimeters of rainfall to central Japan's Tokai region and up to 80 mm to the Kanto-Koshin region including Tokyo. For the following 24-hour period through 6 a.m. on 14 August, up to 200-300 mm of rain is expected in Tokai and 100-150 mm in Kanto-Koshin.

If Meari remains on current heading, JTWC projects it to keep curving northeast, peak at 58-mph sustained winds and 75-mph gusts at mid-afternoon on 13 August, then make landfall over the Chiba Peninsula.

It is forecast to move off the coast of Tohoku early Sunday morning before becoming an extratropical cyclone early Monday morning.

Possible Effects:

• Heavy rainfall could lead to flooding along streams, rivers and roadways

• Landslides possible in hilly or mountainous areas

• Downed trees, hindering rescue/recovery efforts

• Delayed or rerouted traffic

• Cancelled, delayed, or rerouted flights

• Power outages in homes and places of work

Mitigating Measures to Apply:

• Check with the destination (i.e. accommodations, work sites, etc.) to ensure they are open and operating

• Monitor local news and weather media for updates

• Allow extra time for travel to and from the destination and airport

• Do not travel during height of storm threat

• Avoid traveling through flooded areas

• Use extreme caution when traveling near coastal areas and over bridges and during times of high winds

• Keep extra bottled water in lodging

• Keep electronics charged and maintain contact throughout the remainder of the trip

• Confirm flight itinerary prior to departure to the airport

• Enroll in a Safe Traveler program to receive warnings from your preferred embassy

DISCLAIMER and Hold Harmless Disclaimer: LSDS™ gathers information from multiple sources and offers insight and perspective to travelers. Sources cannot be validated for accuracy in every instance. Travelers assume all risk associated with their travel and are responsible for the decisions associated with travel and for their own safety. Users of this reference document agree, to hold harmless LSDS™ (LLC) its employees and clients associated with any risk or injury incurred during travel.


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