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Wellness Weds-Drink your water

Today is a friendly reminder to drink your water, more specifically first thing in the morning and here are three reasons why:

You might not feel it, but after a long night’s sleep your body wakes up naturally dehydrated. The amount of water you consume the evening before makes little difference. By the time you wake up, you need to hydrate your body for the day ahead. The longer you go without water after waking up, the longer it’ll take you to remedy your dehydration

By drinking more water in the morning, your body will get a head start on keeping your bodily fluids properly balanced throughout the day. With a proper balance of bodily fluids comes proper organ function. The lymphatic system is a great example of the positive effects of drinking more water.

Your brain is around 75% water. That should give you a good idea of just how important it is that you drink water to fuel your brain and keep it as healthy as it can be. Your brain won’t be able to function at its optimal level if you don’t hydrate. If you start your day with a glass of water, your mind will feel clearer and sharper throughout the day. You’ll feel more alert and on the ball, and that’s never a bad thing. You might even feel that you have an advantage over everyone else in the room when you're properly hydrated.

As we help our numerous clients cope with the unique stressors inherent in today’s uncertain world, we are thrilled to offer the services of Dr. Kate Colvin, PhD. As Director of Human Performance, Kate’s role is to provide training and education around various aspects of mental and physical wellbeing, including stress management, effective thinking, mindfulness, attentional focus techniques, goal attainment, organizational leadership, memory and learning enhancement, and sleep. Kate has assisted hundreds of LSDS clients, and is available to help you navigate the path ahead. Email to learn more about what Dr. Kate Colvin, PhD, can provide for you.


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